True Orthodox Wiki:Copyright
True Orthodox Wiki contains pages which users have copied over from Orthodox Wiki. Please take note of the Orthodox Wiki copyrights here.
In short: Those pages which have been copied from Orthodox Wiki are necessarily under a GFDL and CC-BY-NC license (meaning that one can choose to use them under one of the two, or to keep the dual license). Some of the edits in those pages may have been made prior to the dual license, so that they might be available only under CC-BY-NC. Imports from Orthodox Wiki should be clearly identified as such, so that one can credit the authors as required by both licenses. In fact it is really not enough to credit only Orthodox Wiki; that website may go down in future and the license requires us to give attribution here.
The text copied over was not a database dump coming with edit history included. Hence, in order to comply with copyright requirements, a template has been created. Whenever a page is created based on a page on Orthodox Wiki, the template Template:From OW may be used. A link to the original article should be placed in the first parameter. If the page was copied from Orthodox Wiki, but the Orthodox Wiki article was itself originally taken from Wikipedia—a common occurrence— use Template:From OW&WP instead and simply supply the Orthodox wiki link as the first parameter, Wikipedia as the second. Note that article names may differ between sites.
Example: There is an article named Foo on Orthodox Wiki. This article is based on a section from the Wikipedia article named Bar'. (The only way to know is usually to check the edit history on Orthodox wiki.) We wish to create a new article named FooBar, based on Foo. The following should be included in the page references:
* {{From OW&WP||}}
In order to simplify things, so that we do not have one set of copyright licenses for articles already copied from Orthodox Wiki and another set of licenses for new edits, it is being proposed that True Orthodox Wiki should retain the same policy of dual licensing articles under CC-BY-NC and GFDL that is already used by Orthodox Wiki.
Please engage with this proposal in the discussion page.