Saint Panteleimon Monastery, Mount Athos

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The monastery of Saint Panteleimon is the main Russian-speaking monastery on the Holy Mountain.

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Schism with the Ecumenical Patriarchate

Following the lead of the Moscow Patriarchate, the monastery ceased commemoration of Patriarch Bartholomew[1] after the latter entered into communion with a body of bishops considered schismatic by the former[2], supposedly revoking the centuries-old recognition of Ukraine as Russian ecclesiastical territory.

True Orthodoxy does not disagree with the cessation of communion per se, nor would we have condoned the Phanar's creation of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine. Rather, it is precisely that the monastery considers its ceasing commemoration of its patriarch over his communion with schismatics as a canonical requirement, which is selective in its application. The heresies and communion with heretics in schism—over decades, of both the MP and the EP—are well known on the Holy Mountain and among those fighting from within everywhere.

Since the leadership have deigned it necessary to apply canons over territory, but ignore the same canons in case of Uniatism, their betrayal of the Faith is exposed as wilful.
