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The calendar is a way to reckon time, specifically the passage of days in relation to months and years. The choice of calendar determines when the anniversaries of events will take place. Hence, it determines when and how long their celebrations—the feasts and fasts—will be, and even whether those take place at all.

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Historical origins

Observational calendars

Lunar calendars

Solar calendars

The Church calendar

Main article: Church calendar.

The Julian calendar

The date of Easter

The Paschal moon

Gregorian reforms

Main article: Gregorian Calendar.




The New Calendar

Main article: Revised Julian Calendar.




Schism and persecutions

Astronomical appendix

The Ptolemaic model

The Copernican revolution

The Copernican model

The Keplerian model

Classical physics

The Newtonian model

The relativistic model

Perturbative models

Computational models

Isotropy and geocentrism

The isotropic principle

Coordinate systems

Cosmic microwave background radiation

Modeling limitations

Chaos theory

Computational effects

Geological effects

Other astrophysical effects

Conclusion: Apparent time in the heavens
