Hilarion (Troitsky) of Verey

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Abp. Hilarion Troitsky—Vladimir in the world—was a teacher at the Moscow Theological Academy[1] and later bishop of Verey (or Vereya). He was persecuted by the Bolsheviks and suffered cruel mistreatment at the concentration camps in Kem and Solovki.[2] He died of typhus contracted from the parasites which attacked him during his imprisonment. Abp. Hilarion was persecuted partly for his opposition to Renovationism.

He is controversial in True Orthodoxy due to his association with Sergianism. Some have glorified him as a martyr, including the GOC-K. Others regard him as a Sergianist.[3] It should be noted that while Abp. Hilarion remained in communion with Met. Sergius after his infamous Declaration, he did not agree with the position it promoted. If it is correct to call him a Sergianist, then he was a moderate among them.

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