Jonathan Pageau

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Jonathan Pageau is a World Orthodox podcaster and icon carver.[1]

Pageau promotes his own interpretations of symbolism in Holy Scripture and in nature. He has been known to claim that his content does not reference the Church Fathers because they do not speak on the topics he covers, which is catastrophically false since St. Nikolai Velimirovic wrote an entire book, The Universe as Signs and Symbols, explicitly on them. St. Dionysius the Areopagite also wrote on the relationship between the symbolic and the spiritual. At best Pageau may be unaware that the Fathers cover these topics—which he should not dare teach without at least checking—and at worst he may be intentionally misleading.

Furthermore, Pageau is known for mythologizing Scripture. He is known to evade direct questions as to whether he believes in its literal truth, for example when asked to state directly whether he thinks the Genesis account of Creation is real or symbolic, he delayed to think and then answered that it is "real because it is symbolic."

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