Category:Controversial saints
This page is for those individuals officially glorified as saints by some synods claiming to be True Orthodox, whose sanctity is disputed by other jurisdictions, or who are widely venerated as saints of True Orthodoxy but this is either controversial within True Orthodoxy, or in conflict with World Orthodoxy claiming the saint as a member of itself. Inclusion on this list does not constitute a comment on sainthood; it merely points out that there are some who contest the status of the saint or putative saint.
- Saints accepted by the ancient church and ecumenical councils—such as St. Augustine—are not controversial for the purpose of this wiki even if some may choose not to accept them.
- Individuals outside the Orthodox Church or what purports to be the Eastern Orthodox Church are not counted among the saints at all and are not included in this list. Veneration of heretics—such as post-schism Roman Catholics—within World Orthodoxy does not merit their inclusion here. Refer to Category:Pseudo-saints.
- Putative saints of World Orthodoxy, if they are recognized by both sides as unambiguously separated from True Orthodoxy and especially if they also condemned True Orthodoxy, are considered outside the Orthodox Church and thus are listed under Category:Pseudo-saints.
- Those whose ecclesiastical situation was unclear for some reason, may be included here.
- This includes cases where True Orthodox and World Orthodox are fighting over which body a saint belonged to. Even if the answer may be clear to readers of this wiki, the widespread circulation of documents claiming otherwise constitutes a controversy.
- Saints from before any particular schism are not to be regarded as controversial merely because the schismatics/heretics in question consider the saint their own—the heretical body simply did not exist prior to being created out of a schism.
- The scope of this list is intentionally quite wide.
Pages in category "Controversial saints"
The following 4 pages are in this category, out of 4 total.