Dionysius the Areopagite

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St. Dionysius the Areopagite is a First Century Church Father mentioned in Acts 17:34.

St. Dionysius wrote extensively on deep theological topics. Because of this, his writings have been maligned by heretics for centuries. The fact that St. Dionysius teaches so clearly on topics such as the Essence-Energy distinction proves that Orthodox Theology is unchanged from the beginning. In order to justify their ahistoric theologies, heretics are forced into claiming that an Early Medieval author wrote the works of St. Dionysius, someone they call “Pseudo-Dionysius.” Such is the position taken by Western scholars on various pretexts. To the attentive reader, the lie does not even achieve its intended result. If the writings were truly 5th to early 6th Century, that would still have disproven Roman Catholic heresies which contradict the writings—such as Created Grace—on the grounds that in the time of the undivided Church, the East saw no theological problems in adopting them.

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