Photius the Great

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Saint Photius the Great was archbishop of Constantinople from 858 AD until 870 and from 878 until 886, having been exiled in the intervening period and again at the end of his life. His election to the patriarchal throne in place of Saint Ignatius was confirmed by the First-Second Council. The robber council of 869 deposed Saint Photius and restored Saint Ignatius, partly on the pretext of questioning the validity of St. Ignatius's earlier resignation. The Eighth Ecumenical Council of 879 condemned the robber synod and the filioque, and restored Saint Photius to the patriarchal throne.[1]

His feast is on the 6th of February.

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  1. The Great Synaxaristes of the Orthodox Church, Holy Apostles Convent, 2004. February Volume. ISBN: 978-0-944359-24-2.