International Union of Genuine Orthodox Churches

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Bishops of the IUGOC in Avlona, Myrrhbearers Sunday, 2019

The International Union of Genuine Orthodox Churches (IUGOC) is an association of True Orthodox Jurisdictions who share communion and preserve the Holy Traditions & Patristic Faith of authentic Orthodox Christianity.

Their existence is necessitated by the modernist heresies of Ecumenism, neo-Sergianism, Theological syncreticism, Modernism, Nominalism, and the many expressions of these heresies like the so-called "new Calendar", laxity in Confession, liberality towards divorce & remarriage, minimalization of monasticism, identification with post-Schism Western Culture and Individualism, and so much more that plagues what is considered the Mainstream in the Orthodox World, including all Patriarchates, local Metropolitanates and every local Synod of Bishops who have embraced any or all of the modern heresies. It is the responsibility of the faithful, remnant Orthodox Church to be led by the holy Spirit against all who fight against the Way, the Truth & the Life that is Christ, Logos of God and Head of His Mystical Body --The Church-- against Whom satan shall not prevail. From a practical standpoint, the union was the first major traditionalist Orthodox reunion since the 1994-2006 union between the ROCOR, the Synod in Resistance, and the Old Calendar Churches of Romania and Bulgaria.

The Union was sealed by the signatures of the ruling hierarchs and concelebration at the Synodal Cathedral of Met. Angelos in Avlona, Greece. The signing took place on the Sunday of the Holy Myrrhbearers 2019(?).


Autonomous Orthodox Metropolia of North and South America and the British Isles. His Beatitude Metropolitan John of New York, chief hierarch.

True Orthodox Church in Russia. His Holiness Seraphim of Moscow, chief hierarch. [former Metropolitan of Peschersk]

Holy Metropolitan Synod of the Patristic Calendar of the Genuine Orthodox Church of Greece, His Eminence Metropolitan Cherubim of Avlona, chief hierarch.

The True Orthodox Church of Georgia under H. E. Metropolitan Christopher of Tiblisi

The True Orthodox Church of Ukraine & Moldova under H. E. Metropolitan Varsanuphy of Bukovinia

External Links

NFTU Article on Resumption of Communion