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A theologoumenon (Greek θεολογούμενον) is a theological opinion of Patristic origin which one is free to hold or not hold without compromising true doctrine either way. The term is not Orthodox in origin, but rather an invention of the 19th Century Lutheran theologian Adolf von Harnack[1] The term entered into Orthodox circles when it was introduced by Prof. V.V. Bolotov during ecumenical dialog in the 1890s.[2] In such usage, it refers to an opinion which is a step up from mere personal opinion, but lower than defined dogmas.

Bolotov attempted to use this term to argue that the Filioque controversy was not of great importance, despite the numerous writings of saints such as St. Gregory Palamas.

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  1. As reported by this youtuber with reference to its use by Met. Jonah (Paffhausen) of the OCA.