George Calciu-Dumitreasa

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Fr. George Calciu was a Romanian priest associated with the Legion of the Archangel Michael. He was imprisoned and suffered under the communists. He was defrocked by the Romanian Patriarchate and joined the OCA, who did not recognize his deposition.

Fr. Seraphim Rose wrote approvingly of Fr. George, although this was in the time before the latter joined the OCA and Fr. Seraphim considered that body schismatic.

After his death, the body of Fr. George was found to be incorrupt and many began to venerate him as a saint for this sign and his confession in the communist prisons.[1] This veneration created controversy because Fr. George himself had specified shortly before his death that if his body were found incorrupt, it was to be reburied with prayers for forgiveness because it was a deception from the devil. He also instructed them not to reveal this false miracle.[2]

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