True Orthodox Wiki talk:Roadmap

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Initial ideas

This is off the top of my head.

For efficient organisation we will need to categorise pages. Including but by no means limited to:

Immediate need. Must have or the site can go down:

  • Licence information. As a fork of Orthodox Wiki, it's licence information needs to be attached in order to avoid copyright infringement claims. Refer to [1]. If new contributions are to be under a different licence this must be explicitly clarified.

Presentation. Critical for attracting readers and contributors or the site will wither away:

  • Main page: Some content & links.
  • Help pages: At least one page with rules & editing guidelines. Style guide. Basic help "cheat sheet."

Core functions. Since GOC Wiki came into existence to correct the record on topics where sites such as Orthodox Wiki would not present the True Orthodox perspective accurately. Urgently needed pages on topics certainly falsified or possibly falsified in mainstream sources, or misrepresented:

  • False or possibly false lives and writings of 20th-21st Century saints and pseudo-saints (and their ecclesiologies). Including those being falsely presented as WO.
    • Russian New Martyrs
  • Seraphim Rose
  • John of Shanghai
  • Justin Popovich
  • Nectarios of Aegina
  • Joseph the Hesychast
  • Philaret of New York
  • 20th-21st authors, saints, heretics, schismatics, etc. of whom an incomplete picture is being presented or who themselves published falsehood. Including those being quoted as if they were WO.
  • Pasios the New of Mt. Athos. (Also needed: Paisios of Mt. Athos, a saint being overshadowed by his name.)
  • Ephraim of Arizona
  • Sophrony of Essex
  • Kallistos Ware
  • John Romanides
  • John Meyendorff
  • (Who was that third one again? I'm missing the ecumenist hat trick.)
  • I.M. Andreyev
  • C.S. Lewis
  • 20th-21st Century persecutions
  • By the State
  • By New Calendarists
  • Rampant heresies
  • Papism and uniatism
  • Ecumenism
  • Modernism
  • Covidism
  • Darwinism

Also needed:

Topics on which there is no concern of misrepresentation on mainstream WO sites. Not critical per se but good to add so that the site can serve as a nexus of information:

  • Iconography
  • English terminology explained. Greek, Slavonic, and Latin equivalents.
  • Relevant social and political topics.
  • Other heresies and false religions.
  • Transhumanism
  • Simulation theory
  • Materialism
  • Islam
  • Judaism
  • Protestantism
  • Shamanism, (real and neo-) paganism, ancestor worship, etc.
  • Platonism

Eish (talk) 08:14, 29 March 2024 (UTC)