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Elderism or gerondism is a contemporary phenomenon—perhaps worthy of specific condemnation—of personality cults revolving around particular monks. It is all but universal among conservative ecumenists[1] and sadly occurs elsewhere, even in True Orthodoxy. The term is nearly synonymous with guruism.

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The basic idea in elderism is idolatry of a person perceived to be holy. Even while still alive the elder is venerated as a living saint and after death, the cultus simply continues.

Naturally there really are saints alive in the world. Gurus differ from true holy elders in that they often seek recognition in the eyes of men instead of fleeing from it. True saints regard themselves as sinners and gurus regard themselves as saints, although they may put on a mask of false humility that can be difficult to see through.

The true and unmistakable mark of an elder cult, however, is when a group absolutizes the word of the elder. Within elder cults it is normal for any statement by the elder, or quote from a book of his, or very often even a book written by a third party, claiming to quote unverifiable statements by the elder, to settle a matter with little regard for the consensus of the Fathers. Ironically, references to the consensus of the Fathers are often just what the elder claimed the consensus to be. A less harmful variation occurs when someone absolutizes the teachings of an actual saint, disregarding and even aggressively opposing any and all other Fathers wherever the saint may have made a mistake.

World Orthodoxy
