Alexander Kalomiros

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Dr. Alexander Kalomiros was a medical doctor and Greek Old Calendarist. He is famous for writing against ecumenism, and (in)famous as a theistic evolutionist in whose eschatology God punishes nobody, but rather pours out the same Grace on both the sinners and the righteous, who experience it in a positive or negative way depending on their disposition.[1] He schismed from the Greek Old Calendarists (Florinites under Abp. Auxentios) over the portrayal of God the Father in the icon of the Trinity, which he claimed is heretical to venerate or tolerate[2] He then joined Abp. Lazar (Puhalo).[3]

As an eschatological work, The River of Fire has had a major impact among those professing to be Orthodox—including the World Orthodox.

Dr. Kalomiros exchanged a short series of letters debating evolution with Fr. Seraphim Rose in 1973-1976 before breaking off communication. This debate is a major theme in the book Genesis, Creation and Early Man by Fr. Seraphim.

His polemic against the ecumenists, Against False Union, is widely read and generally receives favorable reviews in True Orthodoxy.

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  1. Vladimir Moss, The River of Fire Revisited.
  2. Fr. Seraphim Rose, Letter of 22 November OS/5 December NS, 1980, to Bishop Gregory. As found in Genesis, Creation and Early Man on p. 645 (2nd ed.) or pp. 542-543 (1st ed.)
  3. According to Fr. Joseph (Suaidan) in the Youtube video True Orthodoxy With All the Wrinkles (A How-To).
  4. Against False Union.
  5. Saint Nectarios Orthodox Conference of 1980 pp. 103-131.