Sigillion of 1756

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The Sigillion of 1756 was issued against the New Calendar in 1756 by Ecumenical Patriarch Cyril V of Constantinople.

Text of the Sigillion

  • Cyrill, by the Grace of God Archbishop of Constantinople - New Rome and OEcumenical Patriarch

Due to new abominations, created by papists in regard to the question of changing our Pascha and Calendar.

Removal from the Church

The most honorable clerics of our Great Church of Christ, other most God-fearing Hierarchs and most saintly hieromonks, singers in churches of our city, followers of Paul, who says: "If someone would annunciate contrary to what we annunciated to you, even that be an angel from heavens, anathema on him"; if he is a hierarch or a faithful one, to be removed from God, dammed, and after death not to rot but to dwell in eternal torment. Let stone and iron scatter and decay - they never and by no means. Let them inherit Giza's leprosy and Judas's hanging; let them dwell on earth like Cain, moaning and shivering; and let the wrath of God be on their heads and their share be with the traitor Judas and god-fighting Judeans; let the earth open and swallow them, like once Dathan and Abiron; let the Angel of God chase them with a sword in all the days of their lives, and let them succumb to all the damnations of the Patriarch and the Synod under the eternal removal and in torment of eternal fire.


See also
